1 CONTINUITY OF ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS 81 (4.1.6) The mappings (x, y) -> sup(X y) and (x, y) -» inf(x, y) are uniformly continuous in R x R. As sup(x, y) = (x + y + \x - y\)/2 and inf(x, y) = (x + y - |* - ^|)/2, the result follows from (4.1.1) and (3.20.9). (4.1.7) All open intervals in R are homeomorphic to R. From (4.1.1.) and (4.1.2) it follows that any linear function x -* ax + b, with a T6 0, is a homeomorphism of R onto itself, for the inverse mapping x~*a~lx — a"~lb has the same form. Any two bounded open intervals ]<*> /?[» ]y> <5[ are images of one another by a mapping x ~* ax + b, hence are homeomorphic. Consider now the mapping x-+x/(l + \x\) of R onto ] —1, +1[; the inverse mapping is x -»x/(l — \x\) and both are continuous, since x-* \x\ is. This proves R is homeomorphic to any bounded open interval; finally, under the preceding homeomorphism of R onto ] — 1, +1[, any unbounded open interval ]a, 4-oo[ or ] — oo, a[ of R is mapped onto a bounded open interval contained in ] — 1, +1[, hence these intervals are also homeomorphic to R. (4.1.8) With respect to R x R, the function (x,y)-*x + y has a limit at every point (a, b) ofR x R, except at the points (—00, + 00) flfld(+oo, —.00); that limit is equal to + oo (resp. — oo) // one at least of the coordinates a, b is +00 (resp. — oo). Let us prove for instance that if a^ — oo, x + y has a limit equal to + 00 at the point (a, + oo). Given c e R, the relations x > b, y > c — b imply x + y > c, and the intervals ]b, + oo] and ]c — b, + oo] are respectively neighborhoods of a and + oo if b is taken finite and xy has a limit at every point (a, b) of S x 1, except at the points (0, +00), (0, — oo), (+00, 0), (- oo, 0); that limit is equal to + oo (resp. — oo) if one at least of the coordinates a, bis infinite, and if they have the same sign (resp. opposite signs). Let us show for instance that if a > 0, xy has the limit + oo at the point (a, + oo). Given c e R, the relations x > b, y > c/b, for b > 0, imply xy > c, and the intervals ]b, + oo] and ]c/b, + oo] are neighborhoods of a and +00, if b is taken finite and